Rejected heart

Fifth day of OctPoWriMo. Today’s topic is – “Denied”
Rejection can’t be accepted easily. Everyone deny to being rejected. But rejection after acceptation feels worst. It breaks the person deeply. But we should understand that Rejection is a chance to get better.

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He proposed
She accepted
They’re in love

As time passed
He lost interest in love
She lost herself in love

At end
He rejected her heart
She denied to
fall in love again

Thank You for reading.

Kripi ❤

#rejection #love #denial

4 thoughts on “Rejected heart

  1. Myself, I want nothing to do with either romantic love or casual sex, and I make no apologies for that. However, this poem is wonderfully written, and if romantic love is something you want, your words are true: you shouldn’t let one person’s rejection of you destroy your future chances.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, how many times in my life have I been there, done that. Always looking for someone to love me and cherish me, and the harder and longer I looked, the less that anyone came around. But it is funny that once I got really involved with my art and writing and volunteering with activities I really loved, suddenly I was no longer looking for those things. Yes, and often we confuse sex for love, and men don’t look at things the same way we do. When someone really loves you he is going to love you regardless of whether you are involved sexually or not. He will just be wanting to spend time with you doing what you both enjoy. Just talking about little things, or sometimes big things. You can tell a lot about a man from the way he is with his family, especially his mother. If he treats her well and with a lot of respect and he respects his father, he is almost always going to be a good family man and a good man to love.

    That is very good writing. A lot of depth in it for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

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