Coffee Conversation

Today’s task is not so simple for me because I don’t like coffee but I am going to write a coffee conversation between two old friends who meet in coffee cafe coincidentally .It’s all my imagination let see how it works.So it starts here One boy entered the cafe and saw that all seats are taken he was looking for a seat and suddenly saw his friend sitting with a mug of coffee in hand.He went near her and she got surprised seeing him there.She offered him seat and then conversation begins.
He : Hey Samayra ! How are you.It’s five years we last talk.
She : Yaa ! I am Fine .What about you.(In a slow voice)
He : I am fine too.But why are you looking upset.Are you not happy to see me here.(Looking confused)
She : No no .It’s not that.I was just supposed we will never met again.But really happy to see you here.(Looking here and there with wet eyes)
He : You are still the same .No change
(Waiter reach the table and interrupted )
Waiter : Mam Your coffee.(he putted the mug on table and left the place)
He : (calls the waiter).Waiter !One cappuccino for me.
Waiter :Ok sir ! Anything else.
He : No .(Waiter left)
She : So how’s your married life going.
He : What ! I am not married Samayra. Still enjoying my Bachelorhood.(Smiles silently)
She : What! But you said me five years back that you are going to marry.
(calls the waiter.Waiter !where is my bill)
(Waiter come with bill she paid it and left the place immediately as she can’t stop her tears anymore)
He still didn’t understand what happened.
Story ends once again.

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